Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Now a shape, now a line, now a pattern, NOT form
Just some color and shade with a tone loud and warm.
I feel your vibration you glow through the dark
and pierce my perception conditioned remark.
The message you send is not here and not now
You’re a whirling gyration revolving somehow
To open a new world of unbounded space
Expanding the mind from its usual place
Of seeing the motif that runs everywhere
And affirms the familiar, its vision so square.
It’s not where you look, it’s a feeling you get
Unstable emotions that surge and upset
Strike as lightening and travel the length of the rod.
Clear the ground, find your own way, become your own god.


All the images above were generated digitally and are based on the abstract art and colors of the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky.  Painting for Kandinsky was deeply spiritual, he was driven by an inner necessity to create moods from color that was independent of representational objects. He also related painting to composing music.  "Color is the key. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many chords. The artist is the hand that, by touching this or that key sets the soul vibrating automatically."

Kandinsky was influenced by the spiritual writings of theosophy and wrote an important book "Concerning the Spiritual in Art". In the book, he calls for a spiritual revolution in painting that will let artists express their own inner lives in abstract, non-material terms. Just as musicians do not depend upon the material world for their music, so artists should not have to depend upon the material world for their art.