Lands' End
From the legion of honor
arrive to the trailhead
walk down the steps and gravel stones
and a dusty path leads through a woodland
of scented eucalyptus and Monterey cypress,
blackwood acacia and coastal bluff scrub.
And then, Lands' End! The pines stand
as sentinels at the edge of a world
where worlds sometimes end.
Guardians, tutelary daemons
framed, in a mist shrouded sky.
as fog horns moan over the silence.
Once they were sirens of longing,
remembered now from a long time ago,
where the second love nest began.
A hawk drifts by on the salted current
red tailed, I reach out
and breathe it all in once again.
Golden Gate spires pierce the miasma,
memories move through the stillness,
of all those years departed and gone.