Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Persian Pond

 Persian Pond

Here in Kew Gardens
royal botanical brilliance
is the ethereal Persian pond
and the breathtaking beauty
of Dale Chihuly and his
white glass sculptures
placed amongst water lilies
floating with a seductive splendor
that naturally belongs here.
His art now invents life
as a new form.
A force that finds expression
in a thousand and one
reflections, rippling energy
through the one who looks
and would cause even Aristophanes
to exclaim! "which of you
took the other as your model?"

Kew Royal Botanical Gardens ~ London ~ June 2019

In “The Symposium”, Plato has Aristophanes, a famous Greek theatre and comedy writer, tell the story of the Soulmates.  Plato's story describes humans as originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.

"Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our human nature together, it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.  Each of us then is a matching half of a human whole and each of us is always seeking our soulmate, to fuse with the other half that matches us." 




"Consciousness actively directed,
seeking significance and meaning
in a confused and chaotic
inner world."

What meaning is my look seeking?
That bothers it
To look for me

Gnawing at me to look
And revealing by looking
My “Self”

Look careful now
That “Self” is not the look
Or consciousness
It is “Mind”

Revealing the meaning
Found here through the act
Of looking

So, try and grasp “Mind”
As a soap bubble or God
And it will dodge your Act and

Leaving you to collide
With the meaning “Mind” puts
into everything you bring

The collision is the Act
That lights you up
To conscious life
And this meaning thing!

The Poem "Collisions", is based on a passage from the "Commentaries on Silo's Message" , page 2, that describes "The Inner Look" or "Inner Seeing". The author Silo, wrote these illuminating interpretations of key topics that can give a deeper understanding of the three parts of his work: Silo’s Message which includes The Book (The Inner Look), the Experience (Ceremonies), and the Path.

The Image was created digitally on an iPhone in the style and colors of Piet Mondrian's nonrepresentational art.  Mondrian's art was intimately related to his spiritual and philosophical studies, he believed that art reflected the underlying spirituality of nature. He simplified his paintings down to the most basic elements in order to reveal the essence of the mystical energy that governed nature and the universe.



Now a shape, now a line, now a pattern, NOT form
Just some color and shade with a tone loud and warm.
I feel your vibration you glow through the dark
and pierce my perception conditioned remark.
The message you send is not here and not now
You’re a whirling gyration revolving somehow
To open a new world of unbounded space
Expanding the mind from its usual place
Of seeing the motif that runs everywhere
And affirms the familiar, its vision so square.
It’s not where you look, it’s a feeling you get
Unstable emotions that surge and upset
Strike as lightening and travel the length of the rod.
Clear the ground, find your own way, become your own god.


All the images above were generated digitally and are based on the abstract art and colors of the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky.  Painting for Kandinsky was deeply spiritual, he was driven by an inner necessity to create moods from color that was independent of representational objects. He also related painting to composing music.  "Color is the key. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many chords. The artist is the hand that, by touching this or that key sets the soul vibrating automatically."

Kandinsky was influenced by the spiritual writings of theosophy and wrote an important book "Concerning the Spiritual in Art". In the book, he calls for a spiritual revolution in painting that will let artists express their own inner lives in abstract, non-material terms. Just as musicians do not depend upon the material world for their music, so artists should not have to depend upon the material world for their art.

Monday, December 13, 2021

San Andreas


San Andreas

In this part of my world
the overwhelming scent
of California bay willow,
much more potent than its
European cousin, takes me back
to a remembrance of things past.

I had just set foot on the land
where San Andreas
ripped its fault line through
this place now called home
a new beginning
a new chapter, a new life.
Now in these golden days
savoring all those glowing moments
I stand here beneath the Buckeyes
the leaves letting go one by one
amongst the memories, the beauty
and the radiance of the setting sun.


You're a recipe for ruin
problem solving operation
lured in by your fascination
generated by another then another…
You are made of bits of data
silicon tracks that forge new paths,
that branch divergent as we click
into another and another…
We are divided, conquered, carried, 
formed and shaped regenerated
with a new repurposed meaning
then another and another…
Artificial and compliant and now
captive to your screen time, living by your
rules based process, set to follow calculation
count another then another…
Feel your soundless drumbeat patter,
rhythm, footstep and procedure,
problem solved a new production then
repeated infinitum add another then another…

The mandalas above were created using several computer generated algorithms and programmed input using finger brush strokes and patterning strokes.

Algorithmic works of art are based on computer generated algorithms devised by an artist or a pre-made algorithm that modifies external data such as images or gestural inputs based on randomness. All inputs by Ken Dickinson, generated art by FotoDa and SimpleEffects.

The Elephant In The Room


The Elephant In The Room

I always felt
you were an obstacle to my growth
and that once you left
everything would be fine.

Now you are gone
I hear you comment on my life
from that space behind my eyes
or in the middle of a conversation
your words come out of my mouth.

The obstacle I needed to remove
was myself
and this way of feeling
and thinking and acting
that sets everything on the wrong course.

And remember instead your other side
the kind and generous heart
your listening skills
and that famous line…

“well then, you'd better get on with it”

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Left Bank

The Left Bank 

From South Elisio drive take the path across the salt marsh

and walk down the left bank of Corte Madera creek

to the Bon Air bridge.

White egrets and black headed night herons

wade the edges here and you feel a sense of

dinosaur time in these graceful creatures.

But we are from another time and waiting for us now

the magnificent French onion soup at the Left Bank Brasserie

in the little city of Larkspur.

Passing through the wetland we hear Saint Patrick’s ring

the noontime hour, its peal of bells

cascading down Magnolia avenue.

And then seated by the warm fireplace

the smell of anise, fennel, and pearl onions

drifting through the winter afternoon.

One spoonful of this soup and you are in the world of

Degas and Manet, James Joyce and Hemingway,

taste dragging memories of a time long since passed.

But we are past memories and past the present

already in an uncertain future

as Saint Patrick’s rings the 2 o’clock knell.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls

said the great John Donne

it tolls now for us, and it’s not going well.




Three sovereigns of a land danced today
around Dark Energy in the universe.
I went looking for Dracula and Darth Vader
but found instead an accelerating universe
beyond light speed
expanding each day
through a string septet play.

I thought we were star stuff
as Orpheus said
not invisible brane worlds
strung between quantum vibrations
vacuumed in space
with measurements that even
uncle Albert couldn't add up.

And his cosmological constant
is speeding away.
exotic, mysterious inexplicable.
Something moving
in empty space
that holds the stars and moon in place.

Photography by Ken Dickinson
Paintings by Rucha Shirsalkar

In physics, Quintessence is a proposed form of dark energy, suggested as an explanation of the accelerating rate of expansion of the universe. Quintessence differs from the cosmological explanation of dark energy in that it is dynamic; it changes over time, unlike the cosmological constant which does not change.

In literature, Quintessence is the queen of a land of speculative science in Rabeliais' novels Gargantua and Pantagruel.  In Rabaleais' time, a fifth element quinte, beyond earth, air, fire and water, was supposed to be the ethereal substance of which the stars were composed.

François Rabelais was a French Renaissance writer, physician, humanist, monk and Greek scholar. His novels present the comic and satirical story of the giant Gargantua and his son Pantagruel and various companions, whose travels and adventures are a way to make fun of the follies and superstitions of the times. 

Generating Monet



Generating Monet
You changed the way that we look
not as form, but as color and light
so that we who look must impress ourselves 
to discover your new found insight 
And now the lilies can see themselves
transformed through automaton art
an algorithm, a mind of its own
making new forms of color and light
Saturated with shade and exposure
a warmth and a vibrance so bright
are you Frankenstein or creator?
a mutation or start up delight?


Each of the images above were created using four different original photos of water lilies and a computer algorithm with some degree of autonomy, to create new original works of art. All photography by Ken Dickinson, generated art by FotoDa

The poem explores issues of what art is today originally outlined in an essay by Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In recent years, images of art have become freely available global commodities without little or no value because they are commercial products that lack the aura of authenticity of the original. Now however, we see a movement towards generating original art digitally and authenticating and creating value for digital art through NFT's (Non Fungible Tokens), a digital token that can authenticate a digitally created piece of art, that can then accumulate value and is redeemable.

Lands' End

Lands' End
From the legion of honor
arrive to the trailhead
walk down the steps and gravel stones
and a dusty path leads through a woodland
of scented eucalyptus and Monterey cypress,
blackwood acacia and coastal bluff scrub.
And then, Lands' End!  The pines stand
as sentinels at the edge of a world
where worlds sometimes end.
Guardians, tutelary daemons
framed, in a mist shrouded sky.
as fog horns moan over the silence.
Once they were sirens of longing,
remembered now from a long time ago,
where the second love nest began.
A hawk drifts by on the salted current
red tailed, I reach out
and breathe it all in once again.
Golden Gate spires pierce the miasma,
memories move through the stillness,
of all those years departed and gone.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Pillar of Reflection

Pillar of Reflection

for Janet

When I look at you
I see myself
standing there
by the half moon, high
in the western sky
your dancing starlight
sings to me
and this warm earth
kisses my cheek
irradiating light
heavens bound.
throughout all my being
I know why
you and I
are here.

Red Bluff Park, California

The images above are based on original photographs that have been regenerated using digital filters that simulate Orphic abstract art in the style of Robert Delaunay and the non representational form of Piet Mondrian.

The Orphists were rooted in Cubism but tended towards free emotive personal compositions unrelated to objective reality. Named "lyrical abstraction" they saw art as a union of sensation and color with the aim of abandoning recognizable subject matter to concentrate exclusively on form and color. This artistic movement also took up Simultanism the idea that colors look different depending on the other colors that are around them.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sunflower Daze

Sunflower Daze

Your seeds flow spiraled
rows of future promised
for a world that grows
in petaled flowering
now through cycles opening
gently as you rise and
shine and sparkle dazzling
with your propagation
planted deep within
the kernel that is in you
so we stop and listen
as the ripening opens, feel
you blossom through this
moment and we’re grateful to be
caught inside the magic of your
sun filled flowering daze

Painting by Vincent Van Gogh

El Samovar de Rasputin


El Samovar de Rasputin

In La Boca
What dark destiny trolls these streets?
All around are painted walls from distant times
when ships sailed here to be broken
robbed, stripped and spent
as la vida tangoed on
in its toilet bowl of existence.
Here, a loose tiled sidewalk can jump
at you in any moment and you must keep
all your senses in this place or feel the knife
plunge its way through your vacio
as it cuts in a moment of madness
through all of what you know 
and taste as real.

Graphic: Stock Poster Image 

The Poem is an indirect ode to the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges and in particular his famous short stories that involve duels between Knife Fighters.